第十三届亚洲流体力学会议(The 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics)将于2010年12月17~21日在孟加拉国达卡召开。会议网页现已正式开通,网址是//www.iutoic-dhaka.edu/13acfm,也可点击学会时时彩平台左侧链接
l Pre-registration: March 1, 2010
l Abstract Submission: March 1, 2010
l Notification of Abstract Acceptance: April 1, 2010
l Paper Submission: June 1, 2010
l Notification of paper acceptance: August 1, 2010
l Final manuscript due: September 1, 2010
l Final date for advance registration and Hotel reservation: September 1, 2010