Call for Papers !
Abstract deadline: October 15, 2007
This symposium, part of CIMTEC 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems to take place in Acireale, Sicily, Italy, June 8-13, 2008, will highlight advances in adaptive materials and in novel sensor/actuator and micro systems, and their integration in mechatronic structures and systems of various complexities also including intelligent and flexible robotics. System level evaluation of smart structures, the interplay of actuation, sensing and processing capabilities, the ideation and numerical modelling and simulation of new actuation and sensing techniques for integrated systems, the analysis, design and testing of active/passive smart dynamic and static structural components and signal processing, together with micro and nano technology, control electronics and materials science involved in interfacing different materials and functions, will be among the scopes of this Symposium that requires multidisciplinary contributions by experts from materials science, theoretical and applied mechanics, electronics, electromechanics and manufacturing.
Solutions to new industrial and commercial applications that have well matured beyond the concept stage, reports on more traditional industrial systems where the incorporation of smart materials and integrated devices favours an enabling new capability or a very remarkable performance enhancement and/or cost reduction, and new ideas and directions for future developments will be among the relevant scopes of this Symposium.
A distinguished group of Invited Speakers will address most relevant topics in the field.
Sessions Topics:
Session C-1 Smart materials, sensors/actuators and microsystems
- Advances in smart materials:
ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, electrostrictive, magnetostrictives, shape memory materials, electrorheological and magnetorheological fluids, multifunctional materials, active composites etc.
Sensor/actuator technologies based on smart materials:
integrated sensors/actuators, MEMS sensors and micro-actuators,
nano-sensors, etc.
- Identification of materials properties
- Physical mechanisms, constitutive behaviour, reliability
- Multiscale models of materials systems and devices
Software tools and optimal design
Self-healing materials
Session C-2 Integration technologies
Device and structure integration
Sensor/actuator coupling with structure, interfaces and interfacing problems
Energy transduction mechanisms
Structural dynamics
Energy harvesting/storage for sensor networks
Integrated micro- and nano-structures
Mechatronic system integration
Model development and control design for integrated systems and microsystems
Optimization techniques: sensors/actuators selection and location, feedback designs, etc.
Distributed sensor/actuator architecture, techniques and modelling
Signal processing techniques: data mining, neural network technologies, data fusion for large sensor arrays, fault recognition and recovery techniques, etc.
Session C-3 Smart structures and integrated systems
Active, semi-active and hybrid active-passive control systems:
vibration control, damping and isolation, noise suppression
Active and semi-active shape control
Nastic and morphing structures
Fault tolerant structures
Structural health monitoring
Damage detection, mitigation and repair
Remote sensing
Life-time assessment
Adaptive and self/diagnosing structures
Autonomous intelligent structures and systems
Intelligent and flexible robotics
Large scale simulations
Session C-4 Ongoing and perspective application
Rotorcraft, aircraft, missile and space structures
Civil engineering
Cultural heritage protection and restoration
Marine and offshore structures
Surface transportation
Any other
Cimtec 2008 will gather together a large and qualified audience of materials scientists, physicists, chemists, biologists, physicians and engineers, as well as experts of a wide range of the most advanced and demanding research and application areas of smart materials and related technologies.
On the top of this premier event in materials, Sicily will offer its wonderful landscape and its immense, unique artistic heritage!
Other Symposia of CIMTEC 2008
Symposium A "Smart Materials and Micro/Nanosystems"
Symposium B "Smart Optics: Materials - Devices - Applications"
Symposium D "Biomedical Applications of Smart Materials, Nanotechnology and Micro/Nano Engineering"
Symposium E "Mining Smartness from Nature - From Bio-inspired Materials to Bionic Systems"
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