

The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference

作者:力学   日期:2013-12-13   点击:[]

The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference

新闻类型:学术动态    发布时间:2007-03-02 00:00    来源:力学与工程学院   信息更新:中国力学学会 

Dear Colleague,



The abstract submission deadline for the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - Mechanical Response of Composites - Composites 2007 (Porto, 12-14 September 2007) is on the 31st March 2007.


If you are interested in submitting an abstract on-line, please follow the 'registration area' in the webpage of the conference (//www.fe.up.pt/composites2007).


A book entitled 'Mechanical Response of Composites' with the papers from the three invited speakers and with a selection of the twelve top papers presented in the conference will be published by Springer in the ECCOMAS book series.



Yours Sincerely,

Pedro Camanho




Pedro Camanho, Co-chairman

ECCOMAS Thematic Conference

Mechanical Response of Composites

Composites 2007



上一条:First Announcement of ICHMM-2008
