International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2007
The Sixth Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ACEM6)
September 12-14, 2007
ACROS Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
The International Conference on Advanced Technology inExperimental Mechanics ’07 (ATEM’07) will be held from September 12 to 14, 2007 in Fukuoka, Japan, as an international activity of the Materials & Mechanics Division of the Japan Society of MechanicalEngineers (MMD-JSME). ATEM’07 is the 7th conference sponsored by MMD-JSME, following ATEM’93 in Kanazawa, ATEM’95 in Tokyo,ATEM’97 in Wakayama, ATEM’99 in Ube, ATEM’01 in Sendai and ATEM’03 in Nagoya. ATEM’07 is also recognized as The 6th Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ACEM6).
The major aims of ATEM’07 are to bring together scientists and engineers from various fields ranging from academic to industrial institutions to discuss the new developments of advanced technology in experimental mechanics.
Scientific Topics
All aspects of advanced technology in experimental mechanics from basic researches to industrial applications will be of interest in the conference within the following categories:
(1) Optical Methods and Techniques
(2) Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation
(3) MEMS and Micromechanical Testing
(4) Nano-Scale Observation and Analysis
(5) Thermal Methods and Techniques
(6) Hybrid Concept and Methods
(7) Sensors, Transducers and their Applications
(8) Smart Materials and Structures
(9) Biomaterials and Biological Systems
(10) Time-Dependent Materials
(11) Composite Materials
(12) Deformation and Strength
(13) Impact and Dynamic Phenomena
(14) Residual Stresses
(15) Fluid Mechanics
(16) Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
(17) Damage Evaluation and Life Assessment
(18) Bioengineering and Life Sciences
(19) Others
A dozen of organized sessions are planned on the topics of current interest. Several plenary and invited lectures will be presented by world-leading experts.
Organizing Committee
Chair : K. Arakawa (Kyushu University, Japan)
The Materials &Mechanics Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (MMD-JSME)
The British Society for Strain Measurement (BSSM)
The Chinese Society of Experimental Mechanics (CSEM)
The European Association for Experimental Mechanics(EURASEM)
The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME)
The Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics (JSEM)
The Society of Materials Science, Japan (JSMS)
The Japanese Society for Non-destructive Inspection (JSNDI)
The Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM)
Abstract Submission
A 400-word abstract should be submitted through the conference Website. The abstract, written in English, should contain the title, author's name('s) and their affiliation including e-mail address of the
corresponding author as designated on the webpage.
Registration Fees
Before May 31, 2007 After June 1, 2007
Regular fee 40,000 Yen 45,000 Yen
Student fee 15,000 Yen 20,000 Yen
The regular participant fee includes a printed abstract book,proceedings on CD-ROM and a banquet ticket. The student fee does not include a banquet ticket.
Schedule and Deadlines:
Abstract submission October 31, 2006
Acceptance notification November 30, 2006
Full paper submission for review February 28, 2007
Final manuscript due May 31, 2007
Final program June 30, 2007
Conference September 12 -14, 2007
All inquiries regarding the conference should be addressed to the following secretariat :Prof. M. Todo
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University 6-1 Kasuga-koen, kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580, Japan
Phone : + 81-92-583-7762,
Fax : + 81-92-583-7763
e-mail : [email protected]
For full details and updated information, please visit the conference website at : //
Official Language
The official language of the conference is English.
The conference site, ACROS Fukuoka, is located in the center of Fukuoka city, and is directly connected to the city subway both from Fukuoka Airport and JR Hakata Station.Fukuoka is located in the northern part of Kyushu Island, the southwest island of the four main islands of Japan. Fukuoka is the economic, administrative and cultural center of Kyushu.Being close to the Asian continent, Fukuoka has been an important hub of international exchange from ancient times. Fukuoka is a modern city, preserving still a lot of places of cultural and historic interest. The city is surrounded by sea to the north and mountains to the south and is blessed with a plentiful natural habitat. Fukuoka is popular for sightseeing and is visited by a large number of tourists throughout the year.Fukuoka is also a gateway to Kyushu Island which is well known of her beautiful natural scenery with two active volcanoes, numerous
hot-spring resorts and cultural sites.The average temperature in Fukuoka is around 25 degrees Celsius (76 degrees Fahrenheit) in September.