Fifth South African Conference on Applied Mechanics
Organised by
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)
University of Stellenbosch (US)
University of Cape Town (UCT)
Under the auspices of the SA Association for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (SAAM)
First Announcement and Call for Papers
16 – 18 January 2006
Cape Town(开普敦), South Africa
The SA Conference on Applied Mechanics (SACAM) is held every two years as a forum for presenting the latest developments in all branches of applied mechanics. This is the fifth in a series of successful conferences that have been held in South Africa. The past SACAM conferences attracted both local and international participants and have proven to be excellent forums for the discussion of latest developments in applied mechanics. SACAM’06 will follow in this tradition, and welcomes the participation of delegates from all parts of the world. It is aimed at bringing together scientists, engineers and applied mathematicians from academia and the industry in order to encourage scientific interchange and cross-fertilisation of ideas in applied mechanics. The participation of postgraduate students is especially welcome.
The conference will cover a broad spectrum of topics in applied mechanics including:Computational Methods in Mechanics Stochastic Mechanics Solid Mechanics Mechanics of Vibrations Structural Mechanics Structural Dynamics Mechanics of Composites Fluid Mechanics Aerodynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics Soil and Rock Mechanics Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Micro-scale Mechanics Education in Applied Mechanics Nano-scale Mechanics
Papers in the above or related fields are invited from delegates from South Africa and all parts of the world. Prospective authors of technical papers should submit 600-word abstracts by 15 July 2005. Abstracts should be submitted electronically in text, Microsoft Word or PDF format to any of three correspondence addresses.
Abstracts will be reviewed and authors will be notified of the decision on their abstracts by 15 August 2005. Eight-page camera-ready manuscripts of accepted papers will be due by 31 October 2005.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and available to all delegates at the conference. It is understood that the papers will be presented by one of the authors of the paper.
15 July 2005 – Deadline for submission of abstracts
15 August 2005 – Notification of acceptance and instructions for authors
15 September 2005 – Second announcement and registration information
31 October 2005 – Submission of eight-page manuscripts
31 October 2005 – Early registration deadline
The official language for the conference will be English.
SACAM’06 will be held in the Western Cape area, South Africa, from 16 January to 18 January 2006. The Western Cape, with Cape Town as its hub, is one of the major international tourist destinations, offering a variety of attractions, which include a vibrant city and waterfront areas, the beautiful winelands in the vicinities of Stellenbosch and Franchhoek, a number of beautiful beaches and mountain ranges, heritage sites such as Robben Island, and more.
A number of eminent researchers will be invited to deliver keynote lectures. These will be finalised in the Second Announcement.
O Aoyi, University of Cape Town [email protected]
R Iwankiewicz, University of the Witwatersrand [email protected]
N Mahomed, CSIR [email protected]
B Sun (孙博华), CPUT [email protected]
G Oliver, CPUT [email protected] 1
GPAG van Zijl, University of Stellenbosch and Technical University Delft
[email protected] 2
[email protected]
R Tait, University of Cape Town [email protected]
T von Backstrom, University of Stellenbosch [email protected]
A Zingoni, University of Cape Town [email protected] 3
C Meyer, University of Cape Town [email protected]
1,2,3 Correspondence Addresses