为了提高非线性有限元的教学和科研水平,经中国力学学会批准,清华大学工程力学系2004年6月17-19日在北京举办全国非线性有限元讲习班,特聘请美国西北大学Ted Belytschko教授来清华大学讲学3天(上午45分钟×2,下午45分钟×2)题目为非线性有限元与计算力学,具体内容见附录1。
联系人:庄茁 岑松
庄茁 13501038018,010-62783986,[email protected]
岑松 13910932478,010-62772935,[email protected]
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附录1:Nonliner Finite Elements and Computational Mechanics
Ted Belytschko
Beijing, June 17-19, 2004
Lecture 1 Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics and Discretization
Geometric and material nonlinearities,
Stress and measures: Cauchy stress, Piola-Kirchhoff stresses, nominal stress,
Srain Measures: rate-of-deformation, Green strain, physical interpretation,
Examples of constitutive equations, Conservation equations,
Material on implicit integration
Semidiscretization of continuum equations,
Shape functions, Static and dynamic discrete equations,
Lagrangian, Eulerian and ALE meshes, Total and updated Lagrangian formulation,
Material and geometric stiffness, Equilibrium solutions and stability
Meshfree approximations
Lecture 2 Time Integration and Element Technology
Explicit and implicit integrators, Stability, consistence and convergence,
Element eigenvalue inequalities, time step selection
Time step partitions-subcycling, Symplectic methods
Under-integrated elements
Stiffness matrix rank and rank deficiency,
Spurious singular modes (hour-glassing), Volumetric locking,
Mixed variational principles: Hu-Washizu,
Stabilization by perturbation and assumed strain methods
Accuracy and convergence of elements
Lecture 3 Discontinuities, Cracks, Material Stability and Multi-scale Analysis
Material instabilities: strain softening, non-associated plasticity
Loss of ellipticity (hyperbolicity), Localization,
Regularization: viscous, gradient, non-local,
Explicit and smeared crack models,
Extended (generalized) finite elements, partition of unity,
Heterogeneous multi-scale coupling: quantum mechanics to molecular dynamics to continua
Contact and impact
Shell elements
附录2: Ted Belytschko教授简历
他的主要研究兴趣是发展工程问题的计算方法,他发展了显式有限元方法,已经广泛地应用于汽车碰撞分析和虚拟设计中。近年来,他发展了无网格方法和表示任意离散体的有限元方法,以及多尺度耦合方法。他是NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENTS FOR CONTINUA AND STRUCTURES(连续体和结构的非线性有限元)一书的作者之一。他是国际杂志INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING的主编之一。
他获得美国ASME的Timoshenko and Pi Tau Sigma 奖,USACM von Neumann Medal奖,von Karman medal奖和美国ASCE的Walter L. Huber Research Prize奖,IACM Gauss-Newton Medal奖,IASMIRT的Thomas Jaeger Prize奖,ASCE的Aerospace Structures and Materials Award奖,和日本机械工程师协会的Computational Mechanics Awards奖,University of Liege的USACM and IACM, Honorary Doctorates(荣誉博士),和 法国的Ecole Centrale-Paris, and the Baron Medal奖。2003年9月,他获得法国的Degree of “Docteur Honoris Causa” of Ecole Centrale Paris。