

ICCE-11 conference NEWS

作者:力学   日期:2013-12-13   点击:[]

ICCE-11 conference NEWS

新闻类型:学术动态    发布时间:2004-04-13 00:00    来源:力学与工程学院   信息更新:中国力学学会 

  Eleventh International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, ICCE-11 August 8-14, 2004 in Hilton-Head island, South Carolina, USA

Many thanks for your interest and support of ICCE-11 conference, the conference web is, www.uno.edu/~engr/composite

1. Please inform as many interested colleagues as possible, to present papers at this ICCE-11 conference. We are glad that at least five ICCE-11 speakers are members of the National Academy of Engineering, their vitae is in the above web page.

2. Reserve your Marriott Hotel in Hilton-Head island as soon as possible. Remember that airline ticket may be less expensive for a seven night stay. Hotel rate is $86+tax per night for six or more nights, if you forgot to mention ICCE, you may be asked to pay $230+resort fee+tax per night, so hurry to reserve your hotel rooms. Hilton-Head is a beautiful resort-feeling island, comparable to Hawaii in natural beauty.

3. "If" you have not emailed to me the detailed two-page abstract, please email abstract to me, and follow abstract format in the above web page

4. We encourage participants to collaborate and write joint research proposals. Researchers from outside USA may wish to collaborate with those in USA. Government workshop on funding trends will be held Wednesday August 11, 2004. Program managers will be selected from ONR, Army, DOT, DOE, NSF, among others. Researchers outside USA may wish to collaborate with USA researchers and spend a sabbatical semester(s) in USA.

5. There is a list of 17 open faculty opportunities (dated March 30, 2004) in computer attachment, we welcome interested people such as your postdoctoral or recent Ph.D. graduates to apply for these positions. ICCE is a forum to encourage professional growth and joint research collaboration. If you have open position, please inform me and we will post it in the next ICCE newsletter. We have received many compliments on this free service, to advertise job opportunities, especially in economically slow years.

6. If you have good graduate students finishing master degree with you (bachelor degree should preferably be in mechanical engineering or related field) and wish to pursue Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering doing research on NANOMATERIALS at University of New Orleans, please inform me. We can explore possible joint supervision of such students and thus, conduct joint research.




David Hui

Aprill 7, 2004





####faculy open positions 30 mar 04#####

Open Faculty Search

Materials Science and Engineering

The Ohio State University

Columbus, OH



Professor and Head

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND



Assistant Professor

Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY




Mechanical Engineering

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, TX



Faculty Position

Biomedical Engineering

University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH



Head, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Urbana, IL




Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX



Quentin Berg University Chair in Engineering

School of Science, Engineering and Technology

Penn State Capital College

Middletown, PA



Tenured Faculty Position

School of Polymer, Textile and Fiber Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA



Associate Professor/Professor

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ



Department Head/Chair

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR



Faculty Positions

Mechanical Engineering

University of California, Riverside

Riverside, CA



Faculty Position

Mechanical Engineering Department

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN



Tenure-Track Faculty Position in the Area of Mechatronics and Intelligent


Mechanical Engineering

Purdue School of Engineering and Technology

Indianapolis, IN




School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Washington State University

Pullman, WA



Assistant or Associate Professor Civil Engineering Program


Western Kentucky

Bowling Green, KY



Bioengineering & Energy Faculty Positions

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Amherst, MA





